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If table spacing isn't working for you, and it may not on certain
imported tables, HTML ones in my experience; then there is a cludge
where you can select the cells then use Format > Paragraph and set the
spacing around the paragraphs instead.

On 25/01/2017, CVAlkan <> wrote:
No - From what you said, you wouldn't want to adjust the line WIDTH to
correct the spacing.

What I said was "4. On the right hand side, use the "Spacing to Contents"
adjustments. If you wish to set the top, bottom, and sides individually,
will need to uncheck the "Synchronize" box."

The "Line width" is in the middle of the dialog box, and the "Spacing to
Contents" (what I think you want from your description) is on the far right
(assuming you have a fairly recent version of Writer).

Take another look - the spacing for each side is usually set to 4 points as
a default.

If nothing seems to change, please tell us the version of Writer you are
using (it's under Help>About) and the operating system you are using (e.g.
Windows, Fedora, or whatever).

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