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Before I go open a bug for this, would appreciate if someone could confirm.

Using 5.2.3 on Windows 7 x64...

I have a spreadsheet - call it 'A' - with 9 sheets in it, and lots of
formulas/references between the sheets. These all work fine and have for
a very long time.

I am working on a new spreadsheet - call it 'B' - that will have a very
similar master sheet that will pull from spreadsheet 'A'.

Since the only sheet in this new spreadsheet will be very similar to the
main sheet on spreadsheet 'A', I started with a copy of 'A', then
deleted all of the sheets I wouldn't need except the one I will be
pulling data from. the plan was to get the formulas (math formulas)
working with sheet references first, then once they were working, change
the sheet reference to the external reference.

Everything went as planned, with one exception.

Some of the cells are blank on the sheet being pulled from. The formulas
correctly interpreted the blank cells as zeros while I was using sheet

But when I changed these to reference the exact same cell, but in the
other spreadsheet 'A', I got the '#VALUE!' error.

Is this an expected difference when referencing an external file/sheet?

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